Two ribosome - inactivating proteins(RIP's), alpha - and beta - momorcharin
(alpha - and beta - MMC) have been isolated from the seeds of bitter melon
( Momordica charantia), a traditional Chinese folk medicine. This was done
by acetone fractionation and chromatographies on CM - Sephadex C - 50 and S
ephadex G - 75. The molecular weights of the purified proteins as determine
d by ESI - MS and MALDI - TOF - MS were 28625(alpha - MMC),29076(beta - MMC
) and 28795(alpha - MMC),29074(beta - MMC), respectively. Both of them were
found to be glycoproteins and have pi values of 9.10(alpha - MMC) and 9. 3
2 (beta - MMC). Biological activity assay revealed both of them were RNAN -
glycosidase and depurinate 28S rRNA in the ribosomes in a manner identical
to that of trichosanthin. Here the isolation, physicochemical properties a
nd N - terminal amino acid sequence of beta - MMC are described.