We find, in polynomial time, a schedule for a complete binary tree directed
acyclic graph (dag) with n unit execution time tasks on a linear array who
se makespan is optimal within a factor of 1 + o(1). Further, given a binary
tree dag T with n tasks and height h, we find, in polynomial time, a sched
ule for T on a linear array whose makespan is optimal within a factor of 5
+ o(1).
On the other hand, we prove that explicit lower and upper bounds on the mak
espan of optimal schedules of binary tree dags on linear arrays differ at l
east by a factor of 1 + root 2/2. We also find, in polynomial time, schedul
es for bounded tree dags with n unit execution time tasks, degree d, and he
ight h is an element of o(n(1/2)) boolean OR omega(n(1/2)) on a linear arra
y which are optimal within a factor of 1 + o(1), this time under the assump
tion of links with unlimited bandwidth.
Finally, we compute an improved upper bound on the makespan of an optimal s
chedule for a tree dag on the architecture independent model of Papadimitri
ou and Yannakakis [14], provided that its height is not too large.