Objective: This study aimed to document histologically the origin of congen
ital cholesteatoma in neonatal temporal bones.
Study Design: The study design was a systematic analysis of pediatric tempo
ral bones.
Setting: The study was performed at the temporal bone laboratory, Tufts Uni
versity School of Medicine and New England Medical Center, Boston, Massachu
Results: We describe histologic findings of a congenital cholesteatoma and
a squamous epithelial rest in two postpartum patients. In both patients, th
e masses were asymptomatic and occurred in the anterosuperior quadrant of t
he middle ear cleft. This is the first histologic documentation of postpart
um congenital cholesteatoma.
Conclusions: We believe that these cases represent the first clear histolog
ic documentation of the origin of congenital cholesteatoma.