During the period January 1994 to December 1997, a total of 560 cognitively
delayed children were prospectively screened for congenital hypothyroidism
in the paediatric neurology clinic at Jordan University Hospital. Seventee
n (3%) children were diagnosed to have congenital hypothyroidism Mean age a
t diagnosis was 15 months (range 1.8-72 months). Main presenting symptoms (
other than cognitive delay) were seizures, lethargy, poor feeding, constipa
tion and prolonged neonatal jaundice. Thirteen (76.5%) of the 17 extrathyro
id-associated anomalies involved the central nervous system (CMS). This fin
ding reflects the study population chosen for the present study. All 17 pat
ients had same degree of cognitive improvement ranging from slight improvem
ent to achieving normal milestones after taking L-thyroxine. Congenital hyp
othyroidism is common in cognitively delayed children. The presence of majo
r abnormality of the CNS should not be regarded as the only possible cause
of cognitive delay and thyroid function should be assessed in such children