One-year old sea trout and land-locked brown trout were stressed from the e
nd of July until mid-November by draining the water completely from the tan
k for 3 min from 1 to 4 times/week. Smelting status was estimated by monito
ring individual migration in a flume tank during the spring of 1995 and by
physiological parameters (plasma Cl-, Mg2+ and Na+ concentrations and muscl
e water content after seawater exposure). The evaluation of migration from
the end of February until mid-July indicated that all the groups started th
e downstream migration at the same time, the most intense period being from
mid-May until mid-June. There were no differences in the migration activit
y between treatments. The physiological parameters indicated that there was
only a very slight difference in smelting between stressed and unstressed
seatrout (muscle water content was significantly higher in seawater challen
ged stressed sea trout) and no difference between unstressed and stressed b
rown trout. Sea trout had a better hypoosmoregulatory capacity than brown t
rout despite a similar migration regime in the spring. (C) 1998 Elsevier Sc
ience B.V. All rights reserved.