OBJECTIVE: To present in-hospital mortality trends for acute myocardial inf
arction (AMI).
DESIGN: Observational study using the Quebec administrative hospital databa
se, which records all hospitalizations for AMI, for the period 1986 to 1996
RESULTS: From 1986 to 1996, the case fatality rate for AMI decreased from 1
8.4% to 12.7% despite an increase in the total number of admissions, due to
an ageing population. Men and women have had similar yearly mortality redu
ctions - 7.6% versus 7.4%, respectively - although the absolute case fatali
ty rate remains significantly higher for women. The mortality reduction for
men was constant over the decade, while the decline for women was more pro
nounced over the last five years. Improving case fatality rates were also o
bserved in the elderly and again were most evident from 1991 to 1996.
CONCLUSIONS: These data show a sharp decline in case fatality rates for AMI
patients treated in Quebec hospitals from 1986 to 1996, suggesting that tr
eatment advances observed in clinical trials are being applied at a populat
ion level. While improved survival has been observed in all patient groups,
the data suggest that the part of the decline in mortality may be due to i
ncreased penetration of proven treatment strategies in women and the elderl