A speech morphing algorithm based on progressive interpolation of spectral
envelopes and source signals is proposed. The basic morphing scheme is; 1)
determine the time correspondence for unit waveforms of original and target
speech, 2) separate speech spectra into an envelope and a sound source, 3)
obtain the frequency correspondence for spectral channels of original and
target speech for each envelope, 4) interpolate both source signal and enve
lope, 5) construct a unit waveform, and 6) generate morphing speech by PSOL
A. In the objective test, the proposed method can reduce the spectral disto
rtion by 1.9 dB in comparison with the method based on progressive substitu
tion of spectra, when it is used for interpolating two vowels in a real spe
ech. The effectiveness of the method is also confirmed by a subjective test
in which 89% (male to female) or 93% (female to male) subjects preferred t
he proposed method. (C) 1998 Scripta Technica, Electron Comm Jpn Pt 3, 82(3
): 22-30, 1999.