Some time after its formation an exotic atom may be considered a hydrogen-l
ike system consisting of a nucleus and an exotic particle in a bound state.
In this situation it is an ideal tool to study cascade properties, while f
or the innermost orbits it can be used to probe the interaction with the nu
cleus. From an extended series of experiments using high resolution X-ray s
pectroscopy for both aspects typical examples are reported and preliminary
results are given: 1. To determine the complex scattering length in (p) ove
r bar H the 3D --> 2P hyperfine transitions have been measured. 2. To deter
mine the pion mass the 5 --> 4 transitions in pi(14)N have been studied. In
all cases a major contribution to the uncertainty originates from the cali
bration. Therefore a new method is proposed that will establish a universal
set of high precision calibration lines for pionic, muonic and electronic