Previous results show that node replication can be used to reduce the numbe
r of cut edges substantially in a partitioned circuit. The node replication
approach is particularly useful for fully utilizing pin-limited devices su
ch as multiple field-programmable gate array. Hwang and El Gamal [4], [5] f
ormulated the min-cut replication problem, which is to determine min-cut re
plication sets for the components of a k-way partition such that the cut si
ze of the partition is minimized after the replication. They gave an optima
l algorithm for finding min-cut replication sets for a k-way partitioned di
graph, However, as pointed out in [5], their optimal min-cut replication al
gorithm does not guarantee min-cut replication sets of minimum sizes; Furth
ermore, their algorithm is not optimal for hypergraphs. In this paper, we o
ptimally solve the min-area min-cut replication problem on digraphs, which
is to find min-cut replication sets with the minimum sizes. More important,
we give an optimal solution to the hypergraph min-area min-cut replication
problem using a much smaller flow network model, We implemented our algori
thms in a package called Hyper-MAMC, and interfaced Hyper-MAMC to the TAPIR
package [5]. We compared the replication results by Hyper-MAMC with those
obtained by MC-Rep in the TAPIR package on the exact same initial partition
s of a set of MCNC Partition93 benchmark circuits. On average, Hyper-MAMC p
roduces 57.3% fewer cut nets and runs much faster than MC-Rep.