The main objective was to develop a scoring system for easy use by the phys
ician in daily clinical practice in deciding the appropriate treatment for
his herpes tester patient. Data from 635 patients who did not receive antiv
iral therapy were included in this analysis. Of these, 131 developed posthe
rpetic neuralgia (PHN). Of the 29 variables tested univariately in this stu
dy, 15 showed a significant correlation with the incidence of PHN, but only
six proved to contribute to the overall predictive power in the multivaria
te approach. Using two independent approaches, the model showed a very sati
sfactory performance in the validation sample. Patients without acute pain
rarely developed PHN, In those with acute pain, being female, being over 50
years of age, having more than 50 lesions, having lesions of a hemorrhagic
nature, having cranial or sacral localisation of the rash or having pain i
n the prodromal phase proved to be significant, multivariate factors, An ea
sy-to-use scoring system used in a risk graph is proposed, These data shoul
d be useful in the individual treatment decision as well as in the design a
nd analysis of therapeutic trials in herpes zoster.