Although there is increasing interest in women's health, there remains litt
le empirical evidence concerning concepts related to health and women's lif
e trajectory. Our purpose in conducting this research was to examine women'
s developmental stressors and coping during young adulthood. Lazarus and Fo
lkman's coping model provided sensitizing concepts for data generation in a
retroductive research methodology. The sample included 26 women of diverse
perspectives who participated in interviews and groups. Philosophical conc
erns of subjectivity, context and gender sensitivity were actualized in ite
rative stages of data collection, analysis and comparison to extant theory.
Rapidly expanding multiple roles were identified as developmental stressor
s for young women. Decontextualized coping strategies are arranged on a beh
avioural continuum: avoidance, distraction, and confrontation, Contextualiz
ed descriptions of coping are presented in two representative accounts: Lau
ren and Mary Ellen. A philosophical stance, assumed at about the age of 30,
provides a lens for assessing developmental stressors that influence the a
ppraisal process. Rich descriptions of young women's coping and development
al influences move beyond abstract theory to a contextual understanding of
young women's experiences.