There is a growing body of data on avian eyes, including measurements of vi
sual pigment and oil droplet spectral absorption, and of receptor densities
and their distributions across the retina. These data are sufficient to pr
edict psychophysical colour discrimination thresholds for light-adapted eye
s, and hence provide a basis for relating eye design to visual needs. We ex
amine the advantages of coloured oil droplets, UV vision and tetrachromacy
for discriminating a diverse set of avian plumage spectra under natural ill
umination. Discriminability is enhanced both by tetrachromacy and coloured
oil droplets. Oil droplets may also improve colour constancy. Comparison of
the performance of a pigeon's eye, where the shortest wavelength receptor
peak is at 410 nm, with that of the passerine Leiothrix, where the ultravio
let-sensitive peak is at 365 nm, generally shows a small advantage to the l
atter, but this advantage depends critically on the noise level in the sens
itivity mechanism and on the set of spectra being viewed.