The metal adsorption characteristics of fifteen Taiwan soils, exemplified b
y Pb (II), were evaluated using pH as the major variable. The soil samples
were thoroughly characterized for their physical chemical properties and co
mposition, particularly organic matter and metal oxides. The adsorption of
Pb (II) followed the Langmuir relation and increased with increasing pH bet
ween pH 3.0 and 8.5, The greater adsorption was found for soils with a high
er organic matter content at constant pH and metal concentration. To better
understand the mechanism of adsorption, the experimental results for Pb (I
I) were tested in a partition coefficient model to relate the adsorption of
the Pb (II) by the different soils with soil components: organic matter, i
ron oxide, aluminum oxide and manganese oxide. This model was not successfu
l when applied to measurements at the natural soil pH because of the compet
ition of protons with lead for available sites. However, partition coeffici
ents obtained from experimental data were highly correlated with those calc
ulated for a partition coefficient between lead and organic matter alone. N
ormalization of the partition coefficients, K-d, for the organic matter con
tent of the soils, K-om, greatly improved the correlation between the parti
tion coefficient and pH (R-2 increased from 0.602 to 0.855), This suggests
that the surficial adsorption sites are principally due to organic matter,
For the 24-h equilibration period employed, diffusion of Pb through this su
perficial organic matter coating to underlying sorptive materials, includin
g metal oxides, is not important in the partitioning of Pb. (C) 1998 Elsevi
er Science B.V. All rights reserved.