Recent studies on human protein C gene expression have revealed the presenc
e of three transcription factor binding sites in close proximity to the tra
nscription start site. Binding sites for the liver-enriched hepatocyte nucl
ear factors 1 and 3 (HNF-1 and HNF-3, respectively) are located immediately
upstream of the transcription start site, whereas just downstream of the s
tart site a presently unidentified transcription factor may bind. To identi
fy other candidate transcription factor binding sites in the protein C prom
oter, we studied the promoter sequence identity in a number of evolutionari
ly close and more distant species: Gorilla gorilla, Pongo pygmaeus, Pan tro
glodytes, Homo sapiens, Cebus apella, Macaca mulatta, Callithrix jacchus, P
apio hamadryas, Macaca fascicularis, and Rattus norvegicus. This analysis s
howed that a high degree of identity (78%) exists among the different prima
tes. Comparison of the primate consensus sequence with the Rattus norvegicu
s protein C promoter sequence revealed the presence of seven identical regi
ons (I to VII). Two of these regions overlap with established regulatory se
quences for HNF-3 and HNF-1 (region VI) and for PCE-1 (region VII), respect
ively. The functional importance and the transcription factors that may bin
d to the other five identical regions are now to be determined.