An analysis is presented of repeated density and current profiles and recor
ding current meter (RCM) data collected off the northwest coast of Gotland
Island (Baltic Sea) during the late summer and fail of 1977. Large, low-fre
quency fluctuations were found in alongshore flow and isopycnal displacemen
ts and were significantly correlated with winds observed at Gotland's west
coast. The best correlations were found with winds from the island's southe
rn lip rather than with local winds. Coherence was high between RCM current
fluctuations at 70 and at 90 m (100 m water depth, 4 km from the coast), w
hereby how at 90 m led flow at 70 m. An EOF analysis of profile observation
s showed a 7-day, baroclinic wave with a two- and a three-layer current str
ucture "trapped" in the coastal zone. The time series of the (weaker) three
-layer mode was found to lag that of the (stronger) two-layer mode by about
one day.
Wind-forced, coastal-trapped wave (CTW) theory (with bottom friction and sc
attering) was applied to the Gotland west coast and model output was compar
ed with data. This application assumed zero CTW amplitude at the island's s
outhern tip, the starting point for the forced-wave integration, and used t
wo coastal segments, a late summer and a winter stratification, and winds f
rom three coastal sites. A very simple model version (first two CTW modes o
nly, no bottom friction or scattering, winds from the island's southern tip
only) was able to reproduce reasonably well structure, amplitudes, and pha
ses of observed alongshore current fluctuations in the lower part of the wa
ter column. Observed upward phase propagation was explained by lagged super
position of the two CTW modes. In the strongly stratified Baltic Sea, buoya
ncy forces may act to reduce the effects of bottom friction on low-frequenc
y flow. A combination of island length scale and synoptic wind scales act t
o "filter out" higher CTW modes. The effects of scattering were greatest fo
r weaker, winter stratification.