We propose a multistage recognition method built as a cascade of a linear p
arametric model and a k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) nonparametric classifier. T
he linear model learns a "rule" and the k-NN learns the "exceptions" reject
ed by the "rule." Because the rule-learner handles a large percentage of th
e examples using a simple and general rule, only a small subset of the trai
ning set is stored as exceptions during training. Similarly during testing,
most patterns are handled by the rule-learner and few are handled by the e
xception-learner thus causing only a small increase in memory and computati
on. A multistage method like cascading is a better approach than a multiexp
ert method like voting where all learners are used for all cases; the extra
computation and memory for the second learner is unnecessary if we are suf
ficiently certain that the first one's response is correct. We discuss how
such a system can be trained using cross validation. This method is tested
on the real-world application of handwritten digit recognition.