The negative influence of the surface-near structure of case-hardened compo
nents as caused by the pick-up of non-metallic elements from the carburisin
g atmosphere is a well-known fact. The most prominent effect produced by ox
ygen is the so-called internal oxidation, which reduces by oxide formation
the amount of dissolved alloying elements manganese, chromium and silicone,
resulting in a respective hardenability loss. The present work presents mi
croscopical and spectroscopical possibilities for specifying the different
forms of appearance of the internal oxidation, as well as critical reflecti
ons on their evaluation. In addition, a somewhat less known, negative influ
ence of the loss of hardenability inflicting alloying elements on the outer
part of the case structure is mentioned, which is found in low-pressure ca
rburising with or without plasma support.