There is now a solid body of theoretical work(1-4) demonstrating that
the spatial structure of the habitat combined with animal movement str
ongly influence host-parasitoid dynamics. The spatial pattern over whi
ch parasitoid search takes place can be affected by the distribution o
f the hosts(5), by the spatial arrangement of the host's habitat(6) an
d by the spatial scale at which the parasitoid perceives variation in
host abundance(7,8). Empirical work, however, has been largely restric
ted to small-scale field studies of less than one hectare(6,9) with ve
ry few larger(10,11). Here we report initial results of a many-year, l
arge-scale study that is among the first to examine the interaction be
tween a population-level process (parasitism) and anthropogenic forest
fragmentation at large and at multiple spatial scales. We demonstrate
that parasitism by four species of parasitoids attacking the forest t
ent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria, is significantly reduced or enha
nced depending on the proportion of forested to unforested land. Each
of the parasitoid species responds to this mosaic at four different sp
atial scales that correspond to their relative body sizes, Our data gi
ve empirical support to the argument that changes in landscape structu
re can alter the normal functioning of ecological processes such as pa
rasitism, with large-scale population consequences(3'4).