Acetycholine (ACh) slows the heart rate by acting on sino-atrial node curre
nts. Low ACh concentrations act on muscarinic receptors to inhibit the hype
rpolarization-activated current (i(f)) by a adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophos
phate (cAMP)-dependent cytoplasmic pathway. ACh also activates a muscarinic
potassium conductance (i(K,ACh)) via a pertussis toxin-sensitive guanine n
ucleotide-binding protein (G-protein) that gates the channel directly. This
pathway has been called membrane-delimited or "fast" because cytoplasmic c
omponents are not required and hence activation is relatively rapid. Such a
pathway has also been proposed for the muscarinic inhibition of i(f). Here
we show that, under steady-state current conditions, 0.1-1 mu M ACh activa
tes i(K,ACh) with a time constant of 1 s or less that is inversely proporti
onal to ACh concentration, consistent with a fast, membrane-delimited pathw
ay. ACh also causes a significantly slower inhibition of i(f) which is not
proportional to ACh binding. The changes in i(f) are consistent with muscar
inic effects mediated exclusively through the cAMP pathway.