Purpose. To compare the healing process of the retinal pigment epithel
ium (RPE) with and without the overlying sensory retina. Methods. A do
me-shaped retinal detachment was created in the pigmented rabbit eye b
y injecting balanced salt solution into the subretinal space. The deta
ched retina was partially removed with a vitrector; in some eyes, the
detached retina was removed completely. RPE about 1.5 mm in diameter w
as removed from Bruch's membrane and aspirated through the retinal bre
ak. All eyes were examined morphologically. Results. Independent of th
e sensory retina, 4 days postoperatively the RPE wound was covered by
immature RPE cells that gradually formed an epithelial-like sheet by 2
weeks postoperatively. In eyes with overlying sensory retina, regener
ated RPE cells similar to normal RPE cells formed a monolayer in most
areas. The RPE-photoreceptor outer segment interface gradually organiz
ed. In eyes with no sensory retina, the regenerated RPE cells were lon
ger, mounded, and their microvilli were shorter and disorganized. The
RPE cells were multilayered in some areas and often had a tubuloacinar
structure. Conclusions. The RPE wounds healed rapidly, independent of
the presence of the overlying sensory retina, up to 2 weeks after RPE
removal. Reconstruction of the RPE monolayer and the apical morpholog
y of regenerated RPE cells were influenced by the sensory retina.