We measured simultaneously pp elastic and quasielastic (p,2p) scattering in
hydrogen, deuterium, and carbon for momentum transfers of 4.8 to 6.2 (GeV/
c)(2) at incoming momenta of 5.9 and 7.5 GeV/c and center-of-mass scatterin
g angles in the range theta(c.m.) = 83.7 degrees-90 degrees. The nuclear tr
ansparency is defined as the ratio of the quasielastic cross section to the
free pp cross section. At incoming momentum of 5.9 GeV/c, the transparency
of carbon decreases by a factor of 2 from theta(c.m.) = 85 degrees to thet
a(c.m.) similar or equal to 89 degrees. At the largest angle the transparen
cy of carbon increases from 5.9 to 7.5 GeV/c by more than 50%. The transpar
ency in deuterium does not depend on incoming momentum nor an theta(c.m.).