The effectiveness of predator odours as repellents was assessed, and the be
havioral antipredatory responses were characterized. Mice had free access t
o an unfamiliar runway containing different olfactory stimuli: modelling cl
ay, or feces of a cat subjected either to a vegetarian or a carnivorous die
t. The first experiment revealed various indices of a spontaneous behaviora
l pattern that included exploratory activity, different kinds of emotionali
ty, and a range of active or passive defensive reactions until the appearan
ce of absence of risk assessment strictly related to presence or absence of
anxiety. These reactions differ with larger responses to feces resulting f
rom a carnivorous as opposed to vegetarian diets. In the second experiment,
chlordiazepoxide (0, 2.5, 5, or 7.5 mg/kg) had a dose-related anxiolytic e
ffect on exploration in mice of both vegetarian and carnivorous groups but
could not totally reverse the strong anxiogenic effect of carnivorous stimu
lus on defensive mechanisms. These differences are related to the nature of
the mammalian cues. This paradigm may be a fear-motivated model of animal
anxiety. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Inc.