Food-deprived rats were given intermittent access or, in a replication, con
tinuous access to a 20% sucrose solution. Both drinking and nondrinking beh
aviors were recorded. During the ensuing drinking bout, latency of lapping
after snout apposition, and duration of lapping bouts, did not change. Appr
oaches to the sipper tube usually eventuated in lapping, though aborted app
roaches increased in frequency late in the session. Drinking was interrupte
d by nondrinking behaviors which appeared in a characteristic rostro-caudal
sequence: partial head withdrawal from the drinking aperture, then full he
ad withdrawal, then movements of the front paws, then movement of the hind
paws with full-body locomotion. All these behavioral changes occurred befor
e there was any appreciable reduction in rate of lapping. (C) 1998 Elsevier
Science Inc.