Background. General practitioners are increasingly involved in the care: of
patients with long-term psychiatric disorders. We have previously reported
that general practitioners are less willing to treat patients with schizop
hrenia than those without such a diagnosis, but this may have been attribut
able to a reluctance to treat patients with any psychiatric or chronic illn
ess. We, therefore, examined general practitioners' attitudes to patients w
ith chronic psychiatric or medical illnesses.
Methods. A random sample of 260 local general practitioners were each sent
one of our case vignettes which were identical apart from mention of a prev
ious diagnosis of schizophrenia, depression, diabetes or no illness. The ge
neral practitioners were asked to indicate their level of agreement with 13
attitudinal statements based on the vignette.
Results. One hundred and sixty-six (66%) of the general practitioners respo
nded to the case vignettes. Those responding to the vignette about the pati
ent with schizophrenia were less happy to have that patient on their practi
ce list and were more concerned about the risk of violence and the child's
welfare. Those responding to the depression vignette were more likely to of
fer the patient antidepressants or counselling; and those who replied to th
e diabetes case were most likely to refer the patient to a hospital special
ist. These differences were not attributable to the personal or practice ch
aracteristics of the general practitioners.
Conclusions. Patients with schizophrenia arouse concerns in general practit
ioners that are not simply due to those patients suffering from a psychiatr
ic or chronic illness. Our results suggest that some patients with schizoph
renia may find it difficult to register with a general practitioner and rec
eive the integrated community-based health care service they require. Psych
iatrists should provide education and support to general practitioners who
look after patients with schizophrenia.