Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of undetected hypertension among adu
lts residing in Riyadh city and to study the non pharmacological modalities
used by detected hypertensives and compliance with pharmacologic therapy.
Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted at Primary Health Care centres i
n Riyadh city selected by stratified random sampling. The subjects resident
in each Primary Health Care centres catchment area were selected by system
atic sampling from records in the Primary Health Care centres. One thousand
three hundred and ninety four adults aged 15 years and more were interview
ed and examined during March 1993 to March 1994. The average of three measu
rements of the participants blood pressure was taken to represent their cur
rent blood pressure. A subject is considered hypertensive if the average bl
ood pressure reading is 160/95 mmhg or more, or currently under treatment.
Results: The total hypertensive subjects were 214 persons, 157 of whom were
known hypertensives and were under some form of treatment but 49 subjects
of them (31.2%) were apparently not well controlled. The other 57 subjects
were not aware of their disease and were newly detected by the study. Almos
t two fifths of the hypertensives on drug therapy stopped their medication
without medical advice or were not taking their medications regularly. Redu
ction in salt intake was the most common non pharmacological method used wh
ile physical exercise was the least method used.
Conclusion: Detected and undetected hypertension is a problem among adults
in Riyadh city, many patients are not taking their medications regularly an
d physical exercise is the least practiced non pharmacologic treatment moda
lity. There is a need for activities to prevent, control and treat hyperten
sion in Riyadh city. Educational programs are highly needed to help in prim
ary prevention, and in secondary prevention by detecting new cases,controll
ing existing cases with emphasis on lifestyle modifications and compliance
with pharmacologic and non pharmacologic therapies.