This study aimed to predict stay/leave behavior among volleyball referees.
The predictor variables reflect commitment aspects from the literature: att
raction, perceived lack of alternatives, personal investments, and feelings
of obligation to remain. Intent to quit was assumed to mediate the link be
tween these predictor variables and actual turnover. Participants were 420
volunteer volleyball referees officiating at the international, national, o
r local level. Predictor variables explained 50% of variance of intent to q
uit, which was the only significant predictor of actual turnover several mo
nths later. The percentage of correctly classified subjects was 86.2%. Inte
nt to quit mediated the link between enjoyment and involvement alternatives
and stay/leave behavior. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that intent
to quit is conceptually and empirically separable from the predictor variab
les, albiet that strong overlap was observed between enjoyment and involvem
ent alternatives. It is concluded that the most promising way to reduce act
ual turnover among volleyball referees is to enhance positive affective res
ponses to officiating, particularly by ensuring procedural fairness in the
promotion system and paying more attention to referee training and supervis