Ultrasonic energy has recently been used for surgical cutting and coagulati
ng. A prospective randomized study was undertaken to determine the effectiv
eness of ultrasonic energy versus monopolar electrosurgery in human laparos
copic cholecystectomy. Two hundred patients were enrolled and randomized in
to two groups of 100 patients each. Group A patients underwent laparoscopic
cholecystectomy with monopolar electrocautery. Group B patients underwent
laparoscopic cholecystectomy with ultrasonically activated shears. In 18 ca
ses of this group, the cystic artery was coagulated and cut without clips.
Subhepatic closed drainage was left for 24 h in patients who were candidate
s for oozing of blood or leakage of bile. The median operating time was 45
min in group A and 37 min in group B. Subhepatic drainage was left in 37 pa
tients of group A and 26 of group B. The median blood loss was 14 mi in gro
up A and 2 mi in group B, while 3 patients of group A and none of group B h
ad bile leakage from the bed of the gallbladder for 1, 1, and 6 days, respe
ctively. Postoperative ultrasound examination showed a minor subhepatic flu
id collection in 5 patients of group A and in 1 patient of group B. All the
se collections were treated without drainage. The length of hospital stay w
as 1.9 +/- 0.5 days in group A and 1.4 +/- 0.2 days in group B. Postoperati
ve pain scores, nausea, and vomiting were equivalent in both groups. It is
concluded that ultrasonically activated coagulating shears are safer, easie
r to use, faster, and less prone to intraoperative complications and postop
erative morbidity than monopolar electrocautery in laparoscopic cholecystec