In rectal cancer, the depth of tumor infiltration and metastatic involvemen
t of lymph nodes are important prognostic factors. Endosonography of the re
ctum, combining the advantages of both endoscopy and sonography,provides in
formation not available from other imaging diagnostic techniques. From Janu
ary 1989 to December 1997, 85 patients affected by rectal carcinoma were su
bmitted to preoperative evaluation with endorectal ultrasonography. In 75 c
ases the results obtained with the endosonography were compared to the hist
ology of the resected specimens. Overall accuracy in staging depth of infil
tration was 90.7%. Overstaging occurred in 4% of patients, whereas understa
ging occurred in 5.3%. In staging lymph nodal involvement, overall accuracy
was 76%, sensitivity was 69.8%, specificity was 84.4%, positive predictive
value was 85.7%, and negative predictive value was 67.5%. Endorectal ultra
sound is a safe and accurate diagnostic method for staging both tumor invas
ion and lymph node metastatic involvement, and for selecting an appropriate
surgical strategy in patients affected by rectal cancer.