Explicitly correlated MBPT-R12 and coupled cluster [up to CCSD(T)-R12] meth
ods have been used in calculations of various (vibrationless) electrical pr
operties for the LiH molecule, including the dipole and quadrupole moments,
dipole and quadrupole polarizability tensors, dipole hyperpolarizability t
ensors, and the second dipole hyperpolarizability tensors. Generally, with
extension of the basis-set the R12 method did not lead to faster convergenc
e for the calculated properties towards the basis limit. Nevertheless, R12
calculations serve as useful indicators to judge the reliability of the res
ults, and substantially help in determining the accuracy. Results obtained
with the 11s8p6d5f/9s8p6d5f basis and CCSD(T)-R12 calculated within this wo
rk should be close to the basis set limit.