Two different approaches were used to identify new microsatellite polymorph
isms among captive Bolivian squirrel monkeys (Saimiri boliviensis). In the
first case, PCR primers for published human microsatellite loci were screen
ed using genomic DNA from squirrel monkeys. Six polymorphic loci were ident
ified using DNA samples from 19 unrelated individuals. The average heterozy
gosity among these six loci is 0.73. In the second set of experiments, a DN
A library was created from Saimiri genomic DNA, and clones were selected fr
om that library by screening with probes containing di-, tri-, and tetranuc
leotide repeats. Six novel microsatellites were identified this way, with a
n average heterozygosity of 0.59. Primer pairs for these six cloned microsa
tellites were also screened using a series of DNA samples from ten other pl
atyrrhine species to assess the potential utility of these loci in other ta
xa. This study provides 12 new DNA polymorphisms that will be useful for va
rious studies of this genus and demonstrates that both approaches can be us
ed to develop new DNA polymorphisms in platyrrhine primates. (C) 1999 Wiley
-Liss, Inc.