The Mica Subcommittee was appointed by the Commission on New Minerals and M
ineral Names of the International Mineralogical Association. The definition
s and recommendations presented were approved by the Commission.
The report discusses mica definition, subdivisions, principles of classific
ation, end-member formulae, modifiers and suffixes, series names for incomp
letely investigated materials, and invalid names. The determination of the
crystallochemical formula for different available chemical data is outlined
, and a system of modifiers and suffixes is given to allow the expression o
f unusual chemical substitutions or polytypic stacking arrangements.
Formulas and permissible ranges of composition are given for the following
valid true, brittle, and interlayer-cation-deficient micas:
Tables of mica synonyms and varieties, ill-defined materials and mixtures,
and a list of names formerly or erroneously used for micas are presented.