Immobilization of pollutant-degrading microorganisms on oxygen-permeable me
mbranes provides a novel method of increasing the oxidation capacity of was
tewater treatment bioreactors. Oxygen mass transfer characteristics during
continuous-flow steady-state experiments were investigated for biofilms sup
ported on tubular silicone membranes. An analysis of oxygen mass transport
and reaction using an established mathematical model for dual-substrate lim
itation supported the experimental results reported. In thick biofilms, an
active layer of biomass where both carbon substrate and oxygen are availabl
e was found to exist. The location of this active layer varies depending on
the ratio of the carbon substrate loading rate to the intramembrane oxygen
pressure. The thickness of a carbon- substrate-starved layer was found to
greatly influence the mass transport of oxygen into the active biomass laye
r, which was located close to, but not in contact with, the biofilm-liquid
interface. The experimental results demonstrated that oxygen uptake rates a
s high as 20 g m(-2) d(-1) bar(-1) can be achieved, and the model predicts
that, for an optimized biofilm thickness, oxygen uptake rates of more than
30 g m(-2) d(-1) bar(-1) should be possible. This would allow membrane-aera
ted biofilm reactors to operate with much greater thicknesses of active bio
mass than can conventional biofilm reactors as well as offering the further
advantage of close to 100% oxygen conversion efficiencies for the treatmen
t of high-strength wastewaters. In the case of dual- substrate-limited biof
ilms, the potential to increase the oxygen flux does not necessarily increa
se the substrate (acetate) removal rate. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. B
iotechnol Bioeng 62: 183-192, 1999.