A 155-bp tandem repeat was previously reported to be present in all centrom
eric regions of the dipteran Chironomus pallidivittatus. We have now isolat
ed a second centromere specific tandem repeat, 375 bp long. Two blocks were
found of the new unit, differing in size, probably representing allelic fo
rms. The repeat is present only in chromosome 3, bordering 155-bp repeat ar
rays. There are about 100 repeats per genome, compared to 1300 units for th
e 155-bp repeat. The two units contain an identical 9-bp sequence which can
form target-site duplications flanking a short mobile element, Cp1. An inv
ersion within the tandem array was isolated, the breakpoint of which is wit
hin the 9-bp target sequence. Another short shared motif, IO-bp long, is al
so present at the insertion site for a mobile element. The two repeat units
are similar in having long regions with more than 80% AT and an overall hi
gh AT content.