The Ginzburg-Landau equation partial derivative(t)u = partial derivative(x)
(2)u + u - \u\(2)u on the real line has spatially periodic steady states of
the form U-eta,U-beta(x) = root 1-eta(2) e(i(eta x+beta)), with \eta\ less
than or equal to 1 and beta is an element of R For eta(+), eta(-) is an el
ement of(-1/root 3, 1/root 3), beta(+), beta(-) is an element of R, we cons
truct solutions which converge for all t > 0 to the limiting pattern U-eta/-,U-beta+/- as x --> +/- infinity. These solutions are stable with respect
to sufficiently small H-2 perturbations, and behave asymptotically in time
like (1 - <(eta)over tilde>(x/root t)(2))(1/2) exp(i root t (N) over tilde
(x/root t)), where (N) over tilde' = <(eta)over tilde> is an element of c(i
nfinity)(R) is uniquely determined by the boundary conditions <(eta)over ti
lde>(+/-infinity) = eta+/-. This extends a previous result of [BrK92] by re
moving the assumption that eta+/- should be close to zero. The existence of
the limiting profile <(eta)over tilde> is obtained as an application of th
e theory of monotone operators, and the longtime behavior of our solutions
is controlled by rewriting the system in scaling variables and using energy
estimates involving an exponentially growing damping term.