Since its inception, the world wide web (WWW) has possessed the potential f
or becoming a 'watershed' medium for conveying complex, structured informat
ion across vast temporal and geographical barriers. In 1995, the MedWorld p
roject ( was created at the Stanford Universit
y School of Medicine in an effort to innovate and explore the design proces
s of creating WWW applications specifically for medical education. Until re
cently, the evolution of WWW applications has been mainly driven by technol
ogical advances in client-server technology, enabling or translating tradit
ional modes of collaborative medical education (e.g. voice, presence, print
, motion) into WWW devices and applications. Many of these applications, wh
ile technologically advanced, lack focused development of interface and int
eractivity design, which may enhance learning experiences. WWW applications
which incorporate design innovation in parity with advances in client-serv
er technology have been termed, 'third generation' web sites and have the p
otential to improve the quality of WWW applications designed for medical ed
ucation. This work describes how the MedWorld project has created a 'third
generation' WWW application by utilizing innovation in information, interfa
ce and interactivity design to create innovative WWW technology for the med
ical education arena. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.