Future manufacturing systems need to cope with frequent changes and disturb
ances. As such, their control requires constant adaptation and high flexibi
lity. Holonic manufacturing is a highly distributed control paradigm that p
romises to handle these problems successfully. It is based on the concept o
f autonomous co-operating agents, called 'holons'. This paper gives an over
view of the holonic reference architecture for manufacturing systems as dev
eloped at PMA-KULeuven. This architecture, called PROSA, consists of three
types of basic holons: order holons, product holons, and resource holons. T
hey are structured using the object-oriented concepts of aggregation and sp
ecialisation. Staff holons can be added to assist the basic holons with exp
ert knowledge. The resulting architecture has a high degree of self-similar
ity, which reduces the complexity to integrate new components and enables e
asy reconfiguration of the system. PROSA shows to cover aspects of both hie
rarchical as well as heterarchical control approaches. As such, it can be r
egarded as a generalisation of the two former approaches. More importantly,
PROSA introduces significant innovations: the system structure is decouple
d from the control algorithm, logistical aspects can be decoupled from tech
nical ones, and PROSA opens opportunities to achieve more advanced hybrid c
ontrol algorithms. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.