Defective spermatogenesis can be the end result of a multitude of causes, s
uch as systemic disease, malnutrition, endocrinologic disorder, genetic def
ects, anatomic obstruction of the passage of spermatozoa, infections, and e
nvironmental toxins. A genetic basis of infertility is thought to exist in
a majority of infertile men currently classified as having idiopathic infer
tility Despite advances in molecular technology, the pathophysiology of spe
rmatogenic failure in a majority of infertile men remains unknown. Although
a large number of genes and loci in experimental animals are associated wi
th sterility, the human homologues of most of these genes have not been clo
ned yet. Infertility is a heterogeneous syndrome in men; therefore, it is l
ikely that a multitude of genes and loci will be implicated in different in
fertility subsets.