This paper summarizes the information on the geology and natural resources
of the Jordan Badia Research and Development Programme. The research focuse
d on the issue of the environment in arid lands as an aid to provide practi
cal options for sustainable development. This paper presents results of fie
ld studies in the following areas related to the sustainable development of
the Safawi area in the northern Jordan Badia; geomorphology, including lan
dform, soil, lands, processes and hazards, geology and physical resources a
nd surface water hydrology. Tertiary-Quarternary continental basalt flows a
nd tuffs cover approximately 11 000 km(2), the majority of the Safawi area.
In addition to extensive basalt lava flows, the programme area includes a
variety of geological outcrops and potential sources of economic products t
hat include the following: tuff/Scoria, Zeolite/Olivine, Porcellanite, pote
ntial sources of aggregate/construction materials, ornamental stone, buildi
ng stone, basalt for manufacturing of rock wool, and materials suitable for
producing lightweight aggregate. The whole of the eastern Badia exhibits m
ajor fault systems, many of which were identified from landsat TM images. T
he system of wadis which drains the Badia is extensive, with the general fl
ow from the north to the south and south-west. A noticeable geomorphic surf
icial deposit occuring throughout much of the Badia is fine-grained, water-
lain sediments that vary in size and character. The local designation for t
he fine sediment deposits is Qaa. An MSS scene for the area under considera
tion has been studied. Twelve major geomorphic subdivisions or zones can be
identified. Individual land system units have been identified by transvers
ing the programme area. key sites have been visited based on Landsat TM ima
ge interpretation. To a large extent, key areas were subdivided after their
initial identification on the landsat scene and corroboration in the field
. The surface drainage of the Badia region can be broadly divided into wadi
systems, areas of distinct channelized flow, and Qaa, predominantly fine-g
rained sedimentary basins of low relief. Spatial variability in infiltratio
n rates across the wadi-Qaa system were determined from field experiments.
Infiltration rates were found to be medium-high in the wadi channels but de
crease rapidly for the Qaa materials. Apparently runoff from wadi side slop
es will be high, and water storage occurs along the wadi channels while pon
ding occurs in the Qaa areas.