A methodology is presented for evaluating and mapping the degree of groundw
ater contamination by applying the contamination index C-d. The applicabili
ty of the contamination index was tested in two distinctly different geolog
ical regions: the area between Uusikaupunki and Ylane in southwestern Finla
nd and the Brezno area in central Slovakia. The index takes into account bo
th the number of parameters that exceed the upper permissible concentration
s of contaminants or potentially harmful elements and the part of the conce
ntrations exceeding those values. The water-quality parameters reflect the
effect of diverse natural (topographical, climatical, geological, biologica
l) and anthropogenic (type of land use, local pollution) environmental fact
ors on groundwater quality. In Finland, technical-aesthetic contamination w
as found over more than half the test area. These quality problems were mos
t often related to acidity and high concentrations of organic carbon and Al
and Fe in wells. Health-risk-based contamination, mainly caused by elevate
d concentrations of fluoride, radon, or nitrate, was found in only a few se
parate areas. In Slovakia, naturally contaminated and anthropogenically pol
luted groundwaters could be distinguished. The geogenic pollution is mainly
derived from sulfide mineralizations. In both countries the strongest anth
ropogenic pollution was found in intensively cultivated areas.