Objective: To define the incidence, causes, management and impact of Chylot
horax after oesophagogastrectomy for malignant disease in Nottingham Thorac
ic Surgery unit. Patients and methods: Retrospective analysis of 523 patien
ts with cancer of the oesophagus or the gastro-oesophageal junction who und
erwent oesophageal resection between January 1987 and November 1997 in a si
ngle unit using similar techniques and uniform routine perioperative manage
ment. Results: Chylothorax occurred in 21 patients (4.0%). There were 12 ma
les and 9 females with a mean age of 64.7 years (SD 7.5). Age, sex, tumour
site, length, histological type, depth of wall penetration, nodal status an
d type of operative approach were not significant predisposing factors on u
nivariate and multivariate analysis. Seventeen patients were treated conser
vatively (four deaths, 23.5%) and four surgically (one death, 25.0%), effec
tive control of the chylous leak being achieved in all four cases. Eleven p
atients with a chylous drainage of up to 2.2 l/day, diminishing within 1 we
ek of conservative treatment had an uneventful recovery. However, a chylous
drainage of more than 2.5 l/day in the remaining ten patients was associat
ed with increased morbidity, hospital stay, operative mortality and the nee
d for surgical intervention. In comparison with the remaining patients (n =
502), those who developed chylothorax (n = 21) had more respiratory compli
cations (42.8%, P = 0.008), longer mean hospital stay (23.8 days, P = 0.004
), higher operative mortality (23.1%, P = 0.001) and, unexpectedly, reduced
5 year survival rate (P < 0.0001). Conclusions: Then appeared to be no cle
ar predisposing factor in the development of a chylous leak other than the
routine extensive dissection. Although definitive conclusions can not be dr
awn, where there is early reduction of the initial amount (in this series u
p to 2.2 l/day) of drainage, there may be a place for successful non-surgic
al management; in cases of high output chylothorax, persisting after a few
days of conservative treatment, however, early re-operation and ligation of
the thoracic duct, seems to be advisable. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. A
ll rights reserved.