The traditional definition of coeliac disease is inadequate because it incl
udes only patients with abnormal small intestinal morphology, Gluten sensit
ivity is a systemic disorder whose common factor is an immune response to g
luten in the context of the susceptible 'coeliac' HLA haplotype and possibl
y environmental triggers. Gluten sensitivity embraces traditional coeliac d
isease as well as subjects with normal small bower morphology including lat
ent coeliac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, and symptomatic gluten intol
erance. The diagnosis of gluten sensitivity and coeliac disease are not mut
ually inclusive. Small intestinal biopsy and clinical criteria are essentia
l in diagnosing classical coeliac disease. IgA endomysial antibody is valua
ble in identifying gluten sensitivity and has particular value as a screeni
ng test. Serology should include total IgA levels to exclude selective IgA
deficiency, a potential cause of false negative IgA endomysial antibody. A
combination of histology, serology and clinical criteria will identify most
cases of coeliac disease and gluten sensitivity. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepat
ol 10:911-913 (C) 1998 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.