In this article we first prove a stability theorem for coverings in E-2 by
congruent solid circles: if the density of such a covering is close to its
lower bound 2 pi/root 27 then most of the centers of the circles are arrang
ed in almost regular hexagonal patterns. A version of this result then is e
xtended to coverings by geodesic discs in two-dimensional Riemannian manifo
Given a sufficiently differentiable convex body C in E-3, the following two
problems are closely related: (i) Approximation of C with respect to the H
ausdorff metric, the Banach-Mazur distance and a notion of distance due to
Schneider by inscribed or circumscribed convex polytopes. (ii) Covering of
the boundary of C by geodesic discs with respect to suitable Riemannian met
The stability result for Riemannian manifolds and the relation between appr
oximation and covering yield rather precise information on the form of best
approximating inscribed convex polytopes P-n of C with respect to the Haus
dorff metric: if the number n of vertices is large, then most of the vertic
es are arranged in almost regular hexagonal patterns. Consequently, the maj
ority of facets of P-n are almost regular triangles. Here 'regular' is mean
t with respect to the Riemannian metric of the second fundamental form. Sim
ilar results hold for circumscribed polytopes and also for the Banach - Maz
ur distance and Schneider's notion of distance.