The X-l Advanced Radiation Source, which will produce similar to 16 MJ in x
-rays, represents the next step in providing U.S. Department of Energy's St
ockpile Stewardship Program with the high-energy, large volume, laboratory
x-ray sources needed for the Radiation Effects Science and Simulation (RES)
, Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF), and Weapon Physics (WP) Programs. Anal
ytical scaling arguments and hydrodynamic simulations indicate that X-l wil
l have the capability to heat hohlraums at temperatures of 230-300 eV to ig
nite thermonuclear fuel and drive the reaction to a high radiation yield of
200 to 1000 MJ in the laboratory. This paper will introduce the X-l Advanc
ed Radiation Source Facility Project, describe the systems analysis and eng
ineering approach being used, and identify critical technology areas being