Conventional (analysis of variance, mean preference scores) and novel (R-in
dex) methodologies for hedonic assessments of 'Silken' and 'Creston' apple
(Malus xdomestica Borkh.) cultivars from the breeding program at Summerland
, B.C., were compared with the standard cultivars Royal Gala, Jonagold, and
Golden Delicious. Visual and flavor preferences were evaluated for either
three or five cultivars by panels of 50 to 200 consumers. Consumers were su
ccessfully able to evaluate five apple samples at a given session. Signific
ant differences in mean preference scores and R-indices were found among cu
ltivars. Both 'Silken' and 'Creston' had higher flavor and lower visual pre
ference ratings than did 'Royal Gala'. Results were consistent for both met
hodologies when panels consisted of 100 or more consumers. R-index, however
, expressed the results as a probability rather than a mean score, and was
a more understandable and interpretable measure of consumer preference than
were preference ratings.