The international scientific cooperation between Latin American countries,
the European Union and the United States have been studied through their pu
blications in the Science Citation Index. A total of 17,473 documents coaut
hored between 1991-95 has been analysed. Bibliometric indicators were used
to identify the collaboration patterns of each Latin American country, prod
uctivity, principal subject of the cooperation and partners. As a whole, co
authored papers amount to 32% of mainstream scientific articles of Latin Am
erica although a great heterogeneity can be observed. Brazil, Argentina, Me
xico, Chile, Venezuela and Colombia account for more than 95% of the copubl
ished articles. Around 44% of the copublications have been with USA and ano
ther 44% with EU, while copublications among Latin American countries repre
sent 5,4% and 6,6% joint publications with the three regions. The most freq
uent case was the coauthorship between two countries (15,298 documents). Co
llaborative papers have grown along the period studied, particularly multil
ateral collaborations. Physics, including Astrophysics, Biomedicine, Clinic
al Medicine and Agriculture were the fields that present higher collboratio
n rates.