This qualitative study aims to describe the helping methods used by psychia
tric nurses in a hospital environment from as evidenced by video observatio
ns and nurses' and patients' descriptions. The data, which were collected b
y videotaping different nursing situations and by interviewing the nurses a
nd patients afterwards, consisted of 520 pages of written text. A total of
569 utterances were extracted from the text to describe the helping methods
used in psychiatric nursing. Each utterance constituted a classification u
nit. Deductive content analysis techniques were used to analyze the data. T
he results obtained from the nurses' and patients' descriptions and the vid
eotaped episodes showed that the most commonly used helping methods were of
the confirmatory kind (50%), while educational methods came second (37%) a
nd catalytic methods third (13%). (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights