In this article the notions of 'societal metabolism' and 'colonization of n
ature' are used to describe the inter-relations between societies and their
natural environment in order to operationalize the concept of 'sustainable
development'. Metabolism refers to the material and energetic input-output
processes of societies, i.e, the extraction of natural resources, their pr
ocessing, storage within society, and finally their release as wastes and e
missions. 'Colonization of nature' refers to activities which deliberately
alter natural systems and keep them in a societally desired state. We empir
ically analyse the metabolism of five industrial countries. Their per capit
a material consumption is similar enough to support the notion of a 'charac
teristic metabolic profile' of industrial society, which can be viewed in a
historical perspective against the metabolism of hunter-and-gatherer and a
grarian societies, revealing an impressive increase. We then analyse the in
ter-relations between a society's energetic metabolism and the need as well
as the limitations of its colonization strategies. For example, we discuss
how the biomass productivity of plants limits the energy flow of agrarian
societies and globally may limit population growth. Finally, we discuss how
industrial societies might perceive their sustainability problems and resp
ond to them.