PURPOSE. To determine the apical versus basolateral polarity of the putativ
e anion exchanger in cultured bovine corneal endothelial cells (BCECs) and
to examine the influence of Cl--dependent membrane potential (E-m) changes
on HCO3- transport.
METHODS. BCECs grown on permeable supports were used for independent perfus
ion of epical and basolateral surfaces. Intracellular pH (pH(i)) was measur
ed using the fluorescent dye BCECF. Relative changes in E-m were measured u
sing the fluorescent dye bis-oxonol. Western blot analysis was used to dete
ct immunoreactivity against the anion exchanger (AE1 or AE2).
RESULTS. Cl- removal from apical and basolateral surfaces produced cellular
alkalinization (apical side, 0.07 pH units; basolateral side, 0.06 pH unit
s; both sides, 0.20 pH units). Application of 100 mu M H-2-4,4'-diisothiocy
anatodihydrostilbene-acid (DIDS), an anion exchange inhibitor, on the apica
l side produced an alkalinization (0.02 pH units) followed by acidification
(-0.05 pH units), whereas basolateral H2DIDS caused a substantial acidific
ation (-0.16 pH units). In the absence of Na+, Cl- removal from the apical
side caused a transient alkalinization (0.03 pH units) followed by a return
to baseline; Cl- removal from the basolateral side caused a small (-0.03)
acidification. In Na+-free Ringer, apical H2DIDS produced a transient alkal
inization (0.02 pH units), whereas basolateral exposure had no effect. 5-Ni
tro-2(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoic acid (NPPB), N-phenylanthranilic acid (DP
C), and niflumic acid (50-200 mu M), known Cl- channel blockers, produced c
ellular acidification in control Ringer. Niflumic acid hyperpolarized E-m a
nd inhibited depolarization after Cl- removal. Western blot analysis failed
to detect AE2 expression in cultured BCECs. However, fresh BCECs produced
a trace response.
CONCLUSIONS. Physiological activity of an apical anion exchanger is weak in
cultured BCECs. Cultured BCECs have significant Cl- conductance. Thus, cel
lular alkalinization after Cl- removal is caused primarily by depolarizatio
n of E-m, which drives HCO3- influx through the basolateral electrogenic Na
+:nHCO(3)(-) cotransporter. In contrast with cultured BCECs, AE2 may be pre
sent in fresh cells.