Removable and reusable sensors are essential in applications like health mo
nitoring or the nondestructive evaluation of newly produced or finished com
posite structures. In such tests, a major requirement is that the tested st
ructures are not altered during either bonding or removal of the sensor. In
this paper, removability and reusability have been introduced to polyvinyl
indine fluoride (PVDF) film sensors by a very simple process that uses doub
le-sided adhesive tapes. The repeatability of signals generated by such sen
sors is verified through a series of tests. The use of these removable and
reusable sensors is then demonstrated through a selected application where
PVDF sensors are ideally suited, namely, detection of defects such as impac
t damage, saw cuts, and delaminations in elastic structures. These defects
change the local curvature in beams, plates, or shell structures, and PVDF
sensors are ideally suited to detect these changes in curvatures.