To explore mechanisms of hypoxemia after acute pulmonary embolism, we measu
red regional pulmonary blood flow and alveolar ventilation before and after
embolization with 780-mu m beads in five anesthetized, mechanically ventil
ated pigs. Regional ventilation and perfusion were determined in similar to
2.0-cm(3) lung volumes by using 1-mu m-diameter aerosolized and 15-mu m-di
ameter injected fluorescent microspheres. Hypoxemia after embolization resu
lted from increased perfusion to regions with low ventilation-to-perfusion
ratios. Embolization caused an increase in perfusion heterogeneity and a fa
ll in the correlation between ventilation and perfusion. Correlation betwee
n regional ventilation pre- and postembolization was greater than correlati
on between regional perfusion pre- and postembolization. The majority of re
gional ventilation-to-perfusion ratio heterogeneity was attributable to cha
nges in regional perfusion. Regional perfusion redistribution without compe
nsatory changes in regional ventilation is responsible for hypoxemia after
pulmonary vascular embolization in pigs.